Pain In Lower Left Abdomen Before Period Pain In Lower Left Side, Pregnancy Or Period?

Pain in lower left side, pregnancy or period? - pain in lower left abdomen before period

I am inclusive, with the FA 13dpo today or tomorrow (FF changed the dates of the cycle) in the final hours, I had a cramp in the continuous low belly down on my left. I never had cramps before AF before and in fact I had dropped cramps during my cycle since my daughter to 3 cycles. Is cramping period only age and pregnancy can egtopic or what?


Anonymous said...

I have sometimes. I am TTC and I still hope that I am pregnant and I have not. There is nothing extreme. I would say that if you are really hard to not go to the doctor because it may be an ectopic pregnancy.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like possible pregnancy Huni me .. good luck .. in a few days if negative go to the doctor because that can be tested with low hCG pregnant

Anonymous said...

Can any of these things can be anything from a cyst or something else. I would say that, if not start in the next few days, your doctor and have it checked. It is better to know that there is nothing, nothing to do, and I know it's something that needs medical attention.

Anonymous said...

Can any of these things can be anything from a cyst or something else. I would say that, if not start in the next few days, your doctor and have it checked. It is better to know that there is nothing, nothing to do, and I know it's something that needs medical attention.

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