Filmy My Male Betta Has White Spot Type Of Things Kinda Filmy What Could It Be Please Help?

My male betta has white spot type of things kinda filmy what could it be please help? - filmy

Why do not white spots may be a bit dark and I am very worried, please help, that swims around and eats very well, too?


Dustiniu... said...

It could be Filmy me but I think if it's not me. I is not a fungus is a parasite. It manifests itself as small white spots on fish. White and burning, which I think is another parasite called velvet. Cura-API, for clearing, very quickly.

Deborah S said...

Click here to help you:

Sue C said...

This is the most common disease of Bettas. Once they are, I'm sorry to say, he had no chance to save and lost to 5th However, I can tell you what to do w / water if it happen w / again. Take a pitcher of water. Let stand at room temperature. I am still willing to use w / a cap on them. Set 1 (a) v. tea sea salt or aquarium in the glass. If you are willing to Var. the dish, the 1 (one) drop of blue water and shake well Methelene ... I have not lost a fish. The Meth Blue is for diseases and not working ....

onedrin said...

It looks like ick. A fish with mushrooms. This can be treated with a product found in every fish stored or Walmart. Ick eventually can kill fish. Get the ick treatment, and follow the instructions on the bottle.

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